Well, on the subject of dolls

This is no longer a doll blog.

It hasn’t been for some time, I’ve just put up odd episodes for my Sims 4 story every now and again, but I’ll just officially say it. I donated most of my monster high collection months ago. And truth be told, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. It was large, hard to maintain…and I wasn’t enjoying having them at all. I still have my Pullips and BJD, which were always are more smaller and manageable collection – and I still have not bought a new one of those for some time.

I probably won’t for a long time to come either.

I moved house for the millionth time, yay for renting, and me being so precious and stressed out over the safety of tubs of Monster High is what made me think: I don’t want the stress anymore. There is no “doll room” any more, just three Ikea Deltolfs spread about the house. I feel free and happy about this.

I could spend $300 on a new Pullip or BJD or I could you know…not. This too, is freeing.

What spurned me to post this now?

Because a monster stole a child. This monster collected dolls. I didn’t know him, wrong state, wrong dolls even. But I’m still going to be painted with the same brush as him regardless. So this is me, as best as I can, giving my thoughts on the matter. No child, no human, should ever be forcibly removed from safety, be made to feel unsafe, and be subject to the trauma she has gone through. No family should ever go through the fear her family has felt, not knowing if they will see their child again. Plus all the rest of the horror that that little baby girl and her family has experienced that I can’t even begin to comprehend.

Even before Covid I rarely went to doll meets, as I had posted previously. Covid shut down the social aspect of the Australian doll community. This has most probably buried it:

The fate of the Australian doll community PALES in comparison to what this monster did to this little girl. And I am not in anyway trying to say otherwise.

I have no idea how to end this post. I don’t really collect anymore. Fuck the monster who stole that poor child. Fuck the whole situation.